For Authors

University of Chitral Journal of Linguistics and Literature (UOCHJLL) welcomes submissions of articles in the fields of linguistics and literature. Submit your manuscripts by registering on the journal's main page.

UOCHJLL does not publish more than one single-authored; two co-authored; and a single-authored and co-authored paper by the same author per issue.

UOCHJLL follows the APA style. References must indicate the full name(s) of the author(s), editor(s), year of publication, city of publication, publisher’s full name, and page numbers; papers published in the latest issue of our journal are a good immediate guide for potential contributors. Manuscripts (not exceeding 7000 words, including ‘Notes’, ‘References’ et al) with an abstract of a maximum of 250 words, should be composed in MS Word; Times New Roman; and Font Size 10. Figures, tables, and graphs (if any) should not be out of the margins of the text of the paper. Quotations in languages other than English must be translated in the body of the paper, and accompanied by the original in the endnotes. The author’s name, title/designation, e-mail and mailing addresses and institutional affiliation should appear on a separate title page. It is also important that you carefully proofread your paper, and that it is accompanied by a Turnitin similarity index report in soft form. UOCHJLL will also check submissions for plagiarism. Manuscripts, which do not follow these guidelines, will not be processed. Better to follow any of the papers from the latest issue. 

Our editorial policy assumes that submitted articles have not been published elsewhere and are not currently being considered for publication at another journal. UOCHJLL does not accept unsolicited lectures, nor do we publish unsolicited creative works, such as poetry, fiction, or translations.

Manuscripts that adhere to submission guidelines are initially reviewed by the Editor of UOCHJLL. Manuscripts qualifying for peer review are sent to at least two expert reviewers. The corresponding author will receive all editorial communications regarding the status of the manuscript, revisions, and reviews. All revisions and the dissemination of the reviewers’ comments and other manuscript information to coauthors are the corresponding author’s responsibility. To be accepted or rejected for publication, a paper must receive two positive or two negative reviews. If the editor receives one positive and one negative review, a third, tie-breaking review must be obtained.

All correspondence related to the journal should be addressed to:

Dr. Kifayatullah Buneri, The Editor, UOCHJLL

Department of English Language and Literature, University of Chitral, Chitral, Pakistan
