Exploring Psychic Apparatus in Ibsen’s Master Builder
Psychic Apparatus, Master Builder, Psychoanalysis, Unconscious mind, phobiasAbstract
Henrik Ibsen’s “Master Builder” is notable for its expressionistic style, complex characterization, and analytical and retrospective plot. This study examines the main characters of the play who are filled with conflicts, apprehensions, and traumas. To understand their relational complexity, most of the character’s behaviour, actions and reactions need to be appraised relative to each other. The research paper examines Ibsen’s Master Builder through the psychoanalytical lens, utilizing Sigmund Freud’s Psychic Apparatus to explain the characters’ aspirations, motivations and desires. Moreover, the study also explores the unconscious mind and the phobias of the main characters like Halvard Solness, Aline Solness and Hilda Wangel. This examination helps reveal the different aspects of the psychic apparatus: id, ego and superego in the play. The desires, behaviour and actions of the main characters are rooted in their internal conflicts and phobias. The application and exploration of the psychic apparatus in Ibsen’s Master Builder gives interpretative newness to the play.
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