Viewpoints of Teachers about the Usage of Artificial Intelligence in ELT: Advantages and Obstacles


  • Amber Firdaus Ph.D. Scholar, Department of English Linguistics, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan Author
  • Shahid Nawaz Assistant Professor, Department of English Linguistics, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan Author



Artificial intelligence, AI for English language teaching, technology implementation, technology-integrated pedagogy


The study aims to examine the viewpoints of teachers about using artificial intelligence and the perceived benefits and challenges of teachers using AI for teaching English in colleges in Pakistan. A mixed-method research approach is used in this study, and the population is English language teachers from the government colleges of Punjab. A non-probability convenience-based sampling technique was used in this study, and a sample of 110 English teachers was used to collect the data. 10 teachers from the government colleges of each division of Punjab were selected to conduct this study. A non-probability convenience-based sampling technique was used in this study, and a sample of 110 English teachers was used to collect the data. A survey questionnaire is used to get the quantitative data, and the interviews are used to manage the qualitative data. This research highlights that most teachers consider artificial intelligence appropriate and beneficial for use in ELT. However, there are so many hurdles to implementing this relatively new technology. The study shows that the teachers have positive attitudes toward the utilization of artificial intelligence, but the advantages of utilizing this artificial intelligence technology in teaching English can be maximized by overcoming the obstacles that the teachers and learners face while using it.


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How to Cite

Amber Firdaus, & Shahid Nawaz. (2024). Viewpoints of Teachers about the Usage of Artificial Intelligence in ELT: Advantages and Obstacles. University of Chitral Journal of Linguistics and Literature, 8(I), 82-93.

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