Growing Digital Mindset and Upgrading Digital Skillset through designing Mobile Application Language Learning based on Glocalization in Society 5.0


  • Maisa Maisa English Education Department, Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati, Cirebon, Indonesia Author
  • Linda Linda English Education Department, Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati, Cirebon, Indonesia Author
  • Dina Pratiwi Dwi Santi Elementary Education Department, Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati, Cirebon, Indonesia Author
  • Linda Norhan Universitas Catur Insane Cendekia, Cirebon, Indonesia Author
  • Hatice Kara İnönü unıversity and Şehit İhsan Yarımkulak Secondary School Author
  • Rohazlyn Rosly English Language Department, UiTM, Malaysia Author


digital literacy, digital mindset, digital skillset, mobile application language learning, glocalization


Recently, Digital literacy has been the raising topic among educators as a move on the transformation education within society 5.0 in the Industry Revolution 4.0. Mobile Application Language Learning is one of the product innovation as result of intergration between technology and language learning. This paper aims to dig out how the educators could transform the digital mindset and improving the digital skillsets. In addition, it also explores the types of teaching materials that is developed based on the immersion of global concept and local wisdom, glocalization. The participants are coming from in service English Teachers Community and Preservice English Teachers, in Indonesia, Turkey, and Kazakhstan. The research was conducted for 12 weeks period using a cyclical action including planning, action, observation, and reflection. Data were collected through pre- and post- assessment, classroom observations, and student focus groups. Findings indicates that a marked changes level the teachers’ digital mindset and improve the digital skillset simultaneously from level two to level five. In other sides, it also underscores the importance of iterative, reflective teaching practices in navigating teachers to enhance the digital literacy ability and experiencing in creating mobile application language learning developer which materials are based on glocalization. In conclusion, this study highlights the role of action research in driving teachers to develop the critical thinking and upgrading the digital skillset toward the sophisticated educational innovation


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How to Cite

Maisa Maisa, Linda Linda, Dina Pratiwi Dwi Santi, Linda Norhan, Hatice Kara, & Rohazlyn Rosly. (2024). Growing Digital Mindset and Upgrading Digital Skillset through designing Mobile Application Language Learning based on Glocalization in Society 5.0. University of Chitral Journal of Linguistics and Literature, 8(I), 326-334.

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